How to Improve the User Experience on your Website

User Experience on Website
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Website users have a low tolerance for poor user experience. They want to find information easily and accomplish tasks quickly. Improving their experience can lead to better search rankings, more business leads and increased revenue. For your site to be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, you must ensure a steady stream of happy visitors through quality user experience design. 

What is UX design?

User experience design is the process of increasing user satisfaction by improving usability, accessibility and efficiency of user interaction with your site or app. It helps make your site/app easy to use, reduces confusion for users and delivers solutions that correspond to the user’s needs.

Ways to improve your website/app to make it more user friendly:

  • Optimize speed: If your page takes a few extra seconds to load, you’ll lose visitors. 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. Faster pages result in a 16.5% increase in conversion rate and a consistent improvement in revenue. Begin by compressing all your images before loading them onto your website. Load important elements first so that your user knows that the is on its way. Minify and combine files, minimize time to first byte and enable browser caching.
  • Make your logo clickable: This helps a user return to your home page whenever they want to and makes your link to home large and obvious. 
  • Create a site that is easily searchable: Determine what your users are searching for on your site and make it easy to find. A search bar is a good start. Add a list of categories and a tag cloud for your blog.
  • Simplify pages: Reduce clutter. Remove extra pictures, redundant controls and features that are not needed. Make the layout clean and simple and navigation easy. 
  • Utilize bullet points: Bullet points force you to isolate important points and allow users to focus on one section at a time. They enable users to find key features and solve problems quickly. 
  • Use images wisely: Stock photography decreases trust and marks your site as generic. You can create a connection, increase conversions and convey your brand’s services/products by replacing stock photos with images of your team, facility and products.
  • Make it easy to read: Use typography, layout, and colour to create a simple, clean and easy to read page. Make sure there is contrast between backgrounds and font colours. Choose a font that’s highly legible.
  • Include well-designed headings: Make your headings stand out and guide your user through your site. Use keywords in your titles. 
  • Keep pages consistent: Everything should match; heading sizes, font choices, colouring, button styles, spacing, design elements, illustration styles and photo choices.  This will make your design coherent between pages and on the same page. 
  • Catch your 404s: Users are frustrated by 404 errors (page not found). It disrupts their journey through your pages and makes them rethink spending time on your website/app. 
  • Be mobile-friendly: Your website should be easy to navigate no matter what type of device is used to access it. 
  • Pay attention to feedback: Users are a valuable resource. Go through feedback looking for patterns. Try surveys to get more information. Be open to change and improvement. 
  • Make calls to action attractive: Place a call to action (link, form, button) on each page and clearly mark it. Include verbs that excite the user to follow the prompt. Words should be bold, time-sensitive and action-oriented.
  • Provide engaging content: Content is key to a good user experience. Focus on your brand’s story. Establish connection. Use language that your users are familiar with and don’t be afraid of humour.

A well-designed user experience is about leading a user to the data and resources they need while reducing and/or eliminating anything that might stand in their path. Improving user experience is not as complicated as it may seem. Even a small effort can turn into a huge advantage.

Want to improve the user experience on your website? Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Call us at (403)-456-0072 or email [email protected].  Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow. Contact us today.


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