Does Your Website Still Represent You?

Does Your Website Still Represent You?
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As someone who operates a business, you’re probably well aware that a company is prone to develop and evolve in various ways over time. Whether it’s brand image, philosophy, or range of products and services, things change. Are you willing and able to adapt your site accordingly?

The Dangers of Being Outdated

Many business owners are so busy with day-to-day operations that they probably don’t pay much attention to how their site represents them online. When you get carried away by the hustle and bustle, you’re more prone to overlook a gap that might be developing between what your company does and what its website says. It certainly doesn’t happen overnight, but it can happen if you don’t pay close attention. Then, before you know it, a potential client is calling you to ask if you can provide a certain product or service listen on your site, only to find out from you that you no longer do. This is a pretty good way to lose business.

A Changing Company

It’s particularly common for business owners to forget to update their site with regards to what exactly they offer, but this isn’t the only possible misstep. It can also be a matter of brand identity. You may pay a visit to your site for the first time in a while and realize that the design and function of the site is not only outdated on a technical level, but also no longer aligns with the tone and style of your current voice as a company. It may list staff members who are no longer with you, or could fail to exude the great company culture that you’re proud to have perfected over the years. These are all incredibly important to bear in mind.

A Changing Environment

Even if you keep your website up-to-date to reflect the nature of your company, you’re not out of the woods yet. There is also the question of how modernized your site is to keep up with current standards in design, usability, SEO, and more. Once again, if you’re understandably caught up in the intensive work that it takes to run a company, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s expected of you in this department. Your design should be intuitive to navigate, responsive and mobile-friendly, and enhanced with eye-catching visual . It may seem tough to keep up with on your own, but with the right team of professionals to help, it’s far more approachable.

One of the many principles at the core of the CAYK philosophy is that the online world is dynamic and fast-paced. If you want to stand out from others in your industry and foster growth for your company, you’ll need to keep up. Call (403) 456-0072 and we’ll make sure that you do!

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