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Understanding Your Business Marketing Strategy
Marketing is more than simply advertising and promoting products, it’s about connecting with the customer and the right marketing strategy sets the direction for all your product and marketing-related activities. Marketing doesn’t need to be mumbo jumbo. Picking the right agency will ensure that they will educate you on the strategy they have selected for your business so that you can fully understand the goal (and how to get there

Don’t Sell Your Product or Service, Sell Your Solution
Most people look around for solutions to their problems, not products. If potential customers can’t see how their problems can be solved by what you provide as a business, your time and resources could be going to waste. You will need to understand the challenges your prospects are experiencing and offer the best solutions in order to reap long-term benefits. Don’t Make Your Marketing Message All About Your Product Your

What are Google Display Ads?
Display ads are a type of online advertisement that combines text, images and a URL (online address). They link to a website where a user learns about/buys a product/service. Display ads can be static or animated, videos or rich media (changing text). Their purpose is to attract users to a website, social media platform or other digital medium and to encourage the users to take a specific action (make a

What is Native Advertising?
Digital marketing is one of the most popular advertising trends of this century. Traditional styles of digital advertising (pop-up ads, banner ads, promotional image tiles) are often abrasive and intrusive. These ads interrupt a user’s experience with information that doesn’t necessarily reflect the user’s interests or fit into the content they’re consuming. Native advertising flows more naturally within a user’s internet stream as it combines advertising with content. What is

Mapping Your Customer’s Journey through Your Website
To build your business, you need to gain insights about your customers, improve your website’s usability and understand buying trends. These are complex tasks as each visitor has a unique reason for visiting and an individual route taken during the exploration of your pages. So how can you acquire the necessary information about your users? The answer, build a customer journey map. What is a customer journey? A customer journey

New Age Marketing Requires New Age Ideas
At one point, TV, print, and billboard ads were the gold standards for marketing but nowadays consumers want personalized and one-on-one interaction with the brands they purchase from. This is an understandable response in a world where everything is now digital-first, and marketing techniques have evolved with consideration to consumer behaviour and follow a more targeted approach. What is New Age Marketing? New-age marketing takes the shift away from traditional
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