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Marketing automation agency Calgary

Trends in Digital Design

To remain effective in the marketplace, it’s important to ensure that your website and online profiles are designed and developed to resonate with your audience. Effective digital design will enable the users to easily navigate your website and find the information they need and want. Digital design trends are constantly changing. So what are the latest trends in digital design? What appeals to today’s audience? Flat Design Flat design uses

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What you Need to Know About Generational Target Audiences

What you Need to Know About Generational Target Audiences

Your target audience is the people you want to reach with your marketing message; your potential customers. Instead of trying to reach an entire market, companies choose a particular audience, putting time and energy into connecting with that defined group. Once you’ve established your target market, it’s important to get to know them. This makes it easier to decide how to reach them and what message will resonate. Sometimes your

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Do You Know Your Target Market?

Do You Know Your Target Market?

A target market is a specific group of consumers to whom you address your product or service. They’re the people you want to reach with your marketing message; your potential customers. Instead of trying to reach an entire market, you select a particular audience, putting time and energy into connecting with a defined group. There are four levels of segmentation that are generally used to define your target audience. Demographic

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What You Need to Know About Social Commerce

What You Need to Know About Social Commerce

Social commerce is the use of social media networking websites as vehicles to promote and sell commercial products and services and it’s a rapidly growing practice.  87% of e-commerce shoppers believe social media helps them make shopping decisions and 30% of consumers say they would make purchases directly through social media platforms. Social Commerce involves: Inviting users to vote on product style or choices Offering personalized buyer options Using graphics

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Why Chatbots will Soon Dominate Customer Service - CAYK Marketing - Marketing Agency Calgary - Featured Image

Why Chatbots will Soon Dominate Customer Service

A chatbot is a computer software program driven by artificial intelligence (AI). It simulates a natural human conversation with human users, in a text format. It can be embedded and used through any messaging application (websites, mobile apps, telephone, social media messaging apps). Chatbots interpret and process users’ words/phrases and give an instant pre-set answer. Chatbot technology has advanced in recent years due to improved AI and machine-learning capabilities. It

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Marketing Automation; How to Keep Connected to your Customers

Marketing Automation: How to Keep Connected to your Customers

Marketing automation platforms are tools/software that allow you to create, implement and automate marketing workflows for multiple channels from a single source. This automation can help you stay in touch with your customers. Use automation to: Accommodate customer usage by creating experiences they can engage with from any device (mobile phone, tablet, laptop). Combine data and content across various sources to create a consistent experience across channels. Integrate touchpoints (SMS,

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