3 Keys to Successful SEO

3 Keys to Successful SEO
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Any business owner who wants to keep their company competitive and firmly grounded in the present should embrace the importance of SEO. However, it’s not an easy area of marketing to dive into without knowing a few key essentials. Here are three bases you need to have covered.

Do Your Research

Preparation and research are everything. For instance, form a clear vision of your audience and what information in your industry they will find useful and engaging. Combine this is with a blog that is scheduled consistently and written well. Have a good understanding of key terms that you need to tap into. Make it a priority to know your KPIs (key performance indicator) and establish actionable goals as well as the ways in which you will assess whether or not you’ve reached them. Don’t just eyeball your performance, use the right analytics tools to pinpoint what pages are bringing you high-quality traffic and what SEO decisions made that traffic possible.

Combine Your Tools

SEO doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s one of many components of your marketing strategy, and they all need to work collaboratively and dynamically to add up to a successful approach. Use to link to the on you site that holds the key to your ranking improvement. Pay attention to what landing pages in your PPC strategy have given you the best ROI and take that into consideration when developing pages for SEO purposes. Use an open-source CMS like WordPress that allows you to fully realize the content you envision in the best way possible. In other words, be mindful of the roles of all your tools and think holistically!

Get the Right Help

Applying all this theory is often easier said than done, and that is why working with a great digital marketing team is so powerful. Due to the nature of SEO, assessing performance takes time, and a misstep can cost you a lot of it. Whether you need help writing high-quality blogs at a consistent rate, have trouble learning all the analytics tools out there, or just want to put the search ranking of your business into the hands of a seasoned expert, a partnership with a holistic digital marketing firm could be the best SEO decision you’ve ever made!

A high search ranking for your business demands a commitment to smart tactics, savvy use of your platforms and web development, and genuinely valuable content. With the help of the team at CAYK, you’ll hit the bullseye in these departments and more. Call (403) 456-0072 today!

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