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What Many New Clients Still Don’t Get About Agile Marketing
Here at CAYK®, our clients often think we have two different jobs: working to become the very best Internet marketing firm in Calgary and spreading the word about agile marketing like it’s a religion. It’s true that you can barely walk into our offices without hearing how agile marketing is changing the world, but we think that’s a good thing – how can we help more of our clients if they don’t

3 Conversations You Never Have to Have With Agile Internet Marketing
Have you had an awkward, uncomfortable, or downright frustrating conversation with your web design and Internet marketing team? In our interviews with new clients, we find that most business owners and executives have. In fact, that’s often what has led them to us in the first place. We believe that a lot of these interactions stem from the wrong philosophy on how marketing teams and their clients work together. To show you why,

7 Internet Marketing Mistakes Calgary Businesses Are Still Making in 2014
Sometimes, working with Calgary business web design can be a little bit frustrating. Even though we try to teach business owners and executives important lessons about Internet marketing, it’s still surprisingly common to see some of the same mistakes being made again and again. Here are seven of the most prominent and costly: 1. Using old templates for success. What worked before isn’t a sure bet to work now, especially if you’ve been

4 Ways Your Internet Marketing Can Improve Over Time
As the old saying goes, if you aren’t getting better, you’re getting worse. That’s particularly true when it comes to Internet marketing, where new ideas and best practices change on a regular basis. If you want to get the most from your website – and use your Internet marketing plan to actually grow your company instead of just checking items off of lists – then you need to evolve your approach along with

5 High-ROI Internet Marketing Tools for 2014
In a recent post, we reminded business owners and executives that Internet marketing plans should consist of a lot more than a simple checklist of items to do or try. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t certain ingredients that almost every business should be taking advantage of. To help you ensure you aren’t missing out on any of the basics, here are five high-ROI Internet marketing tools for 2014: 1. Standout web design.

Why You Don’t Want a “Checklist” Approach to Internet Marketing
If you were to ask most business owners and executives what they needed in order to be successful in Internet marketing, what you’d probably get from them would be a long checklist of different ideas and techniques. Certainly, that’s not a bad place to begin, especially when you consider that the best companies attract new customers through a variety of different Internet marketing means. Still, there is a definite propensity for business leaders to
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