Digital Marketing During the Pandemic

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The coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives. Unemployment has skyrocketed, businesses are financially threatened, many are working from home, children are homeschooling and physical distancing has become a way of life. The present predicament may look like a disaster, but it’s possible to approach the situation as an opportunity to adapt, diminish losses and support others. It’s even possible to grow your business. What you do now will determine whether your business stays afloat or goes under. It’s time to tweak your digital marketing strategy. The following are ideas that may inspire you to continue marketing your company with enthusiasm.

Maintain and Improve customer/client relationships: Keep your brand alive by communicating with your customers/clients. Share with them the measures you’re taking to minimize infection. Communicate any changes in hours, service, safety protocols, or operation. Let them know what your company is doing to help out during challenging times. Address frequently asked questions. Share that brings your readers joy. Include valuable information on how to solve pressing problems caused by the crisis. Develop and/or expand your loyalty program. Utilize chat tools, video conferencing, personalized emails, text messages, your website, your app, your my business listing and platforms. Provide valuable advice, focused support and (if possible) uninterrupted service.

Sell effectively:  Adjust your website/app so customers can order your goods and services directly. Offer quick, inexpensive delivery to online shoppers’ homes or businesses and /or contactless curbside service. If needed, tweak or revise your products and/or services. Implement an online chat tool so buyers and browsers can get their questions quickly answered. Include a comprehensive online FAQ on your website. Make it easy for clients to book virtual appointments with an online scheduling app. Explore marketing ideas that you wouldn’t normally consider (minor sales, free deliveries, benefits, grand schemes, lucky draws, buy-one-get-one-free products, videos, shoppable posts, quizzes, polls, etc.). Be creative when enticing customers. Invite them to come to you now and in the future.

Use your marketing budget wisely: Online engagement has surged so redirect funds from trade shows, travel, conferences, office rent, wages and radio ads and put them into your digital marketing strategies. Use marketing technology that coordinates with other management systems, so you can get an accurate view of your customers and their needs/desires. Enlist a digital with the expertise and training to help you boost sales and keep overhead costs down.

Keep current: The constantly changing situation impacts your business and your customers/clients. Monitor the world situation as it unfolds, adapting quickly when needed. Frequently scroll through channels and ads, judging the effectiveness of your efforts. Use current data to predict trends and patterns. Anticipate what your customers/clients need.

Support your team: Stress levels are high. Make sure your team knows that they are appreciated. Keep them up to date and involve them in decision-making. Make sure they have the resources they need.

Think outside the box: The present circumstances require you to broaden your thinking. What was done in the past, will not suffice. Brainstorm frequently with your team. Look at what is working for other businesses. Act quickly on innovative ideas. Be just as swift to let go of ideas that do not work.

A volatile economy has created unique opportunities to connect with customers/users/clients providing them with information, interaction, positive thoughts, and relevant resources. Examine your marketing strategy and you may find that you have the ability to not only survive but grow and expand your business during the COVID-19 epidemic. Act swiftly, remain focused, stay connected, and concentrate on what makes you unique. Evolve and try out new products, services and marketing tactics. Move through the crisis with strength and resilience.

Need help with your digital marketing strategy? Call us at (403) 456-0072or email [email protected]  Allow us to be your very own marketing department! Connect with our tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants, each eager to help your business grow.  Contact Us today.


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