User Experience &
Conversion Rate Optimization
What Is the User Experience?
Every day, the average person is surrounded by the voices of countless brands, each with their own products to sell, services to provide, and messages to convey. As an entrepreneur, one of your top priorities is to distinguish yourself within this crowded arena of commerce, especially online. Creating a better user experience for people who visit your website is a central part of this, and CAYK can help you make it happen.

Really Though, What Is It?
“User experience” (often abbreviated to UX) is a term used to describe, assess, and optimize the experience that an individual has of something that has been designed for them. Broadly speaking, this may be an application, a website, a product or service, or even an event. In this case, by sparing you endless scrolling through unnecessary lead-in paragraphs and simply offering you a plain English definition of this concept, we’ve optimized your experience of this page as a source of information. You’re welcome!
When popularized in the early-mid ’90s by Apple User Experience Architect Don Norman, the concept of UX typically encompassed the relationship between a user and a computer. With the evolution of the internet, web and software design, mobile technology, and digital marketing, it’s come to refer to a far broader range of interactions. Today it’s a highly practical concept for business owners like you to better understand and improve the way people engage with your business, but your website is by far one of the most important.
Why Should It Matter to You?
Design & Functionality
What exactly separates a poor user experience from an excellent one? Let’s take design and functionality as primary examples. Your approach to UX is headed in the right direction when your site combines attractive, up-to-date design with maximum usability and readability. Distinctive yet tactful use of colour, geometry, images, and text formatting are major elements of this, but so is the way your site is navigated. First impressions of a website are design-related by a significant majority, with simplicity and ease of navigation being key ingredients.
Those who understand UX also know that website design and functionality must be understood at the level of user and consumer psychology. How do you regulate a user’s attention and guide it in precisely the direction you want? What role does the degree of simplicity or complexity of information play in sustaining user engagement? What subconscious expectations does the average user have about how a site should look and feel? These are questions that any business owner should ask about the experience they’re providing for their web visitors.

Great Content, Great Experience
UX & Mobile Technology
The Human Element of UX
Build an Awesome Experience with CAYK!
Why Does Your Website Matter When It Comes to Sales?
What Does Your Site Say About You?

How Design Affects Customer Decisions
Your Website and Your Marketing Plan

Communication, Confidence, and Care
A Better Site and Better Sales with CAYK
A/B Split Tests
What is Split Testing Anyway?

How Can It Be Used?
Get a Closer Look

Does It Actually Work?
A/B Split Tests, CAYK Style
What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Everybody Wants Conversions
You want website visitors to perform certain actions that indicate their interest in your company, guiding them on their journey towards a long-standing relationship with your business as a loyal customer. Such actions may include signing up to your mailing list, scheduling an appointment or consultation, or purchasing a product. Whatever it may be, in marketing lingo it’s called a conversion. Typically, it happens thanks to landing pages, which are the pages we design specifically to convert visitors.

CRO to the Rescue!

What Does CRO Look Like?
CRO, Your Website, and Your Marketing Strategy
Just Add Automation

Supercharge Your Conversions with CAYK

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Frequently Asked Questions
Over the past six months, the CAYK team has been busy putting together our newest service offering: Marketing Automation. A part of this process is ensuring that our advisors are trained in InBound methodology. Congratulations to Danielle for achieving your InBound Certification. We believe that Marketing Automation is more than just the software. Certainly, selecting
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If you have been following our blog lately, or spoken with a member of our team, then you already know we’ve become big fans of agile marketing, which is focused on results instead of activities. But, if you still aren’t convinced it’s time to have a conversation about it, here are four good reasons every
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It is becoming more and more common these days to outsource social media marketing – especially the creation of social content and posting from one format or profile to another. But, do you know the best practices you can use to ensure that your Internet marketing partner is giving you real value, and that you’re
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Meetings, appointments, phone calls, interviews, presentations, you name it. Running a business without efficient scheduling is simply not an option. There are more scheduling apps out there today than ever, but we’d like to show you one that’s especially practical and powerful. How Does Calendly Work? The core function of Calendly is pretty simple. First,
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If you’ve spoken to us lately, you’ve probably learned that CAYK® is embracing a new philosophy called “agile marketing.” Although we could talk about it all day long, the essential idea is that, instead of a list of marketing activities to be completed and checked off, agile marketing instead focuses on specific outcomes and priorities
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At CAYK, we like to talk about the importance of a personal touch in maintaining a strong network. This advice may seem like it only applies to converting potential clients into new clients, but the truth is that your customer community deserves your sincere appreciation! Here are a few ways you can build a strong
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At CAYK, we like to talk about the importance of a personal touch in maintaining a strong network. This advice may seem like it only applies to converting potential clients into new clients, but the truth is that your customer community deserves your sincere appreciation! Here are a few ways you can build a strong
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There are literally dozens of different reasons that an Internet marketing plan could fall short of expectations. In working with different organizations throughout Calgary over the years, however, we have noticed that there is one single limitation that can be especially crippling: Even the best online marketing plans become outdated quickly. That isn’t to say
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A good reason for digital marketing agencies growing popularity is their diverse staff. Designers, writers, developers, and project managers work hard to ensure that every client’s individual needs are met. Between quality service and superior knowledge of marketing trends, digital marketing agencies provide a well rounded team of professionals. Let’s take a look at some
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With so much of common marketing practice surrounding digital tools these days, it’s easy to lose sight of the methods that have been used for much longer. Direct mail is a perfect example. You may be surprised to know that it can still get the job done! More Effective Than You Think When combined with
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