Growth-Driven Design and Development

Growth-driven design is an improved approach to web design that eliminates headaches and drives outcomes through the use of data. Your website improves as you measure, iterate and adjust month after month. Growth-driven design delivers results, bringing value to clients through their web design. CAYK is a highly experienced growth-driven design agency that is filled with a tightly-knit team of knowledgeable digital-first consultants.

Growth-Driven Design

What is Growth-Driven Design (GDD)?

Growth-Driven Design is a systematic approach to website design and maintenance that shortens the time to launch by utilizing data and undertaking continuous learning and improvement. A traditional website redesign makes changes all at once. The problem is that the content on a new site becomes redundant as the business changes and grows. Growth-Driven Web Design allows month-on-month agility and measured adaptation rather than the lengthy design intervals that traditional methods present. Redesign is an ongoing process of testing, continuous learning and informed improvements based on research on visitors’ behaviour on the site. This adaptive method enables a business to change its website and marketing plans of action based on the conditions and obstacles encountered. The short time frames of Growth-Driven design reduce risk and cost. GDD successfully minimizes the risks of traditional site design by working to:


Reduce the financial and resource risks


Quickly launch the best-possible performing website


Improve month-on-month


Give an agile, flexible, data-informed approach to design and redesign


Adapt sites based on user data for the best possible UX and conversion optimization


Remove the guesswork from web design, with a design based on data, not assumption

Benefits of Growth-Driven Design:

There are a number of advantages to the iterative, ongoing process of Growth-driven design.

Quicker website launch

The agile nature and accelerated build and launch process of GDD enables a website to be launched in far less time than traditional web design methods.

Faster return on investment

The increased speed of launch means your company sees returns from your investment quicker.

Big impact

Growth-Driven website design focuses on the highest impact areas for launch, then further improves the website based on real user data, continually adapting and improving the user journey for maximum value and growth.

Data-based design and development

Data is the foundation of Growth-Driven Design methodology. Data gathered at the strategy stage drives design and development, reducing risk as website creation targets issues your users encounter and the needs of your company.

Maximized conversion potential

Your website is your hardest-working marketer and salesperson! Continual improvement maximizes the conversion potential of your site helping you grow your business.

Management of typical challenges:

Growth-Driven Design addresses common challenges such as:

How is Growth-Driven Design Implemented?

There are three distinct phases to the implementation of GDD.

Stage 1


This stage typically includes a growth-driven design proposal, which involves setting goals, gaining an understanding of user behaviour, solving design problems and connecting with customers. This stage includes:

Stage 2


The goal of this stage is to quickly build a website that outperforms the one you presently have, using the information gleaned in the strategy stage. This is not the final product but rather a foundation. You’ll continue to collect data and make changes to improve, getting closer and closer to the perfect website. In this phase, it’s important to avoid getting stuck on analysis, features or content. The focus of this approximately five-month stage is:

Stage 3

Continuous improvement:

Continuous improvement: The performance level of a Growth-Driven Design website involves continual improvement and outperforms the traditional launch and leave approach to site design. Refinement is where performance is achieved. Real user data informs frequent, impactful improvement. The iterative development of this phase involves:

Traditional website redesign is a one to six-month build depending on complexity and with funds spent upfront. This process is often late and over budget. A traditionally designed website is built largely upon untested assumptions, launched and left, making it a risky way to grow. Growth-Driven website design launches on time and on budget, allowing you to save funding for optimization. GDD produces value quickly, validates assumptions rapidly, makes data-driven decisions and focuses your budget on optimization. This iterative Growth-Driven design process keeps the site fresh, consistency enhanced and tightly integrated with marketing and sales. Growth-Driven website design helps you achieve your desired outcomes.

Interested in Growth-Driven Design? CAYK helps companies grow every day; developing a growth-driven design strategy, sticking to it and optimizing it as you reach your goals. Contact CAYK to learn more about our Growth-Driven design and development practices and how we can help your business develop stronger digital marketing strategies. Connect with our tightly-knit, knowledgeable, digital-first marketing team at (403) 456-0072 or request a marketing proposal. Allow CAYK to be your very own marketing department!

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